Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Comments for Teachers Part 3

I am reading Dorothy Burt for part 3 of comments for Teachers.

March 23rd, 2010 -- Parent's engage in children's learning
In this post Ms. Burt was discussing that parents are engaging in their children's, as well as other children, learning. She talked about how most of the families do not have access to the internet at their homes, but they use Facebook through libraries and internet cafe's. The families are commenting on the class/students' blogs. They held a meeting to teach parents how to comment on students' blogs and they had 96 parents come to the meeting! How great is that to hear that parents are aiding in their child's' education!

March 13th, 2010 -- Aviary added to Google apps for Education

In this post Ms. Burt discussed how Aviary is know an app. for education. She welcomes Aviary! Aviary will be an advantage to Manaiakalani schools!

March 10th, 2010 -- Transforming teaching by Broadband
In this post Ms. Burt discusses how technology is everywhere and how in many places they are having many new technology advantages. All around the world there are continuing telephones being met and new connections available. Not only can we use our fellow teachers we can use this new and improved form of learning such as Twitter.

To visit Ms. Burt's Blogs click here

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